Category: Blogs

A collection of blogs from the Salesian Family


It was just a chance encounter. After my mass with the Filipino Community in Vienna, the members of the Legion of Mary invited me to

Faith Empowers

One sport gaining popularity in the Philippines is Running. Many are becoming running enthusiast – ordinary people, celebrities, politicians, professionals and more. Many running events

So Ordinary

In 2009 a chubby, Scottish woman with a plain appearance was a contestant on the TV program “Britain’s Got Talent.” She looked like an ordinary

Jesus Curing

Mark 1:40-45I AM. I do choose. Be made clean! It is so in those days that when something so hideous, something that does not have

Jesus Praying

Those who seek me with the eyes, see Those who seek me with the mind, know Those who seek me with the heart, feel Those

Jesus Preaching

Mark 4:1-9Listen. He wants us to listen. There were a multitude hanging to his every word. They reach out to him, ears wide open as


            One news item that caught my attention this week was Lady Gaga’s meteoric popularity. It was reported that she had become the first Twitter

When Does Human Life Begin?

I write this blog as I search the internet on the debate on cloning. Stumbling across a whitepaper from the Westchester Institute gave me a strong


Pit Senyor Santo Nino! So goes the loud cry from Cebu. This third Sunday of January, the annual Sinulog celebrations takes place in my beloved